Monday, October 19, 2015

Review: The Cottage Next Door (The Beach House #3.5) by Georgia Bockoven

Title: The Cottage Next Door (The Beach House #3.5)

Author: Georgia Bockoven

ebook: 144 pages

Publisher: William Morrow Impulse

Publication Date: July 14, 2015

The Cottage Next Door (The Beach House, #3.5)The Cottage Next Door by Georgia Bockoven

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Diana Wagnor's life is in shambles when she agrees to take a job in California as an accountant for an art gallery. She needs a new start, and she has sworn off romantic involvements, at least for the present. What will she find in California?

This novella is replete with descriptions of beautiful ocean scenery. I almost felt like I was looking at the ocean as I read The Cottage Next Door (The Beach House #3.5) by Georgia Bockoven. Really enjoyed this novella, and will read more of the Beach House Series.

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