Sunday, July 31, 2016

Review: Scapegoat: A Flight Crew’s Journey from Heroes to Villains to Redemption by Emilio Corsetti III

Title: Scapegoat: A Flight Crew’s Journey from Heroes to Villains to Redemption
Author: Emilio Corsetti III
Publisher: Odyssey Publishing, LLC
Publication Date: August 1, 2016
Edition: Hardcover (472 pages)

Scapegoat: A Flight Crew's Journey from Heroes to Villains to RedemptionScapegoat: A Flight Crew's Journey from Heroes to Villains to Redemption by Emilio Corsetti III

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

TWA flight 841 was a routine flight from JFK Airport in New York to Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the evening of April 4, 1979, until it plunged nearly six miles and nearly crashed into the ground. Thanks to the crew's actions, it did not crash, and no lives were lost. However, that drop out of the sky was just the beginning of the story of TWA flight 841 and the efforts of the flight's captain and others to vindicate what many believed to be improper actions of the crew!

The author presents the known facts, theories, and the experiences of the crew, and well as the hypotheses put forth by the National Transportation Safety Board to explain this near disaster. Though this is a nonfiction work, it reads like a mystery novel, in many respects, because you have no idea what is going to happen next. Not only is the story an interesting one, but I learned something about aviation also.

I received an advance reader's copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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