Monday, August 22, 2016

Review: The Winds of War (The Henry Family, #1) by Herman Wouk

Title: The Winds of War (The Henry Family, #1)
Author: Herman Wouk
Publisher: Back Bay Books
Publication Date: November 15th 2008 (first published January 1st 1971)
Edition: Kindle (898 pages)

The Winds of War (The Henry Family, #1)The Winds of War by Herman Wouk

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In The Winds of War, Herman Wouk follows the fictional American Navy Henry family, beginning in 1939, through the attack on Pearl Harbor in December, 1941. Though the Henry family members are fictional, other characters in the book are historical. Herman Wouk expertly weaves the historical events leading up to December 1941 into a tapestry that is unequaled, in my opinion. I have read this book, and the sequel, War and Remembrance, many times, and there is no better historical presentation of the events surrounding World War II.

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