Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Review: The Apartment: A Novel by Danielle Steel

Title: The Apartment: A Novel
Author: Danielle Steel
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Publication Date: May 3, 2016
Edition: Hardcover (336 pages)

The ApartmentThe Apartment by Danielle Steel

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Four very different young women come together to live in an apartment in New York City's Hell's Kitchen. They are as close as sisters. "The Apartment" tells their story--their successes, challenges, tragedies, and the blending of their lives. I reveled in the sometimes unconventional nature of these women and their choices.

As the story began, I expected to be immediately involved with these women, as I am with the characters of most Danielle Steel novels. But this one took a little longer to draw me in. And, as always, I found I could not just "read" a Danielle Steel novel, but I had to "experience" it. Feel it. This one, too, touches the heart and reaches out to draw the reader in, though, perhaps, a bit more slowly than some of her other novels. Still, it was a very good read.

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