Friday, March 17, 2017

Review: A Woman of Substance (Harte Family Saga Book 1 ) by Barbara Taylor Bradford

Title: A Woman of Substance (Harte Family Saga Book 1 )
Author: Barbara Taylor Bradford
Publisher: RosettaBooks
Edition: eBook
  • Fiction
  • Historical Fiction

A Woman of SubstanceA Woman of Substance by Barbara Taylor Bradford

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A five star rating cannot even begin to express the quality and beauty of, "A Woman of Substance", the first book in the Emma Harte Series. It is simply superb.

Emma Harte is a young woman determined to become a woman of substance. She conquers poverty, unwed motherhood and lack of formal education to become one of the wealthiest women in the world. Though she is a fictional character, she comes to life in an unforgettable way through the words of the extraordinarily gifted Barbara Taylor Bradford.

I first read this book shortly after its publication in 1979, and I have reread it several time since then. It, and the other six books in the Emma Harte Series are special to me as well, not only because of their content, but because they remind me of how much my mom loved them. So, it is like coming home and spending time with Mom once again.

I recommend this book, and the others in the Series, to anyone who likes to read family sagas and/or books featuring strong and capable women.

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