Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Review: The Marriage Pact by Michelle Richmond

Title: The Marriage Pact
Author: Michelle Richmond
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine
Publication Date: July 25, 2017
Edition: Kindle (432 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Adult Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Psychological Suspense
  • Thriller

The Marriage PactThe Marriage Pact by Michelle Richmond

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Alice and Jake seem to be the perfect couple. Just prior to their wedding, they receive a strangely-packaged wedding gift from one of the clients of the law firm Alice is an Associate of. One thing leads to another and they eventually decide to join an exclusive group called The Pact. Its stated purpose is to sanctify and provide stability in marriage, but the consequences of their choice are far reaching, life altering, and, with one wrong step, perhaps even deadly. And to further complicate matters, no one has ever left The Pact!

This story is filled with suspense from beginning to end. The ground shifted under my feet with each page. People were not who they seemed to be. Just when I thought I had a handle on some part of Jake and Alice's story and their options, something occurred to change either my viewpoint or their's. I constantly asked myself, could these things really happen? Anyone reading this book, I believe, will find themselves doing the same. I came to the conclusion that fiction can't be any more strange than life can sometimes be.

I categorized this story as "adult fiction" because some of the scenes are graphic in terms of violence, and, from my perspective, could be disturbing to readers bothered by such descriptions.

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