Thursday, November 2, 2017

Review: The Game You Played by Anni Taylor

Title: The Game You Played
Author: Anni Taylor
Publication Date: May 17, 2016
Edition: Kindle (400 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Psychological Thriller

The Game You PlayedThe Game You Played by Anni Taylor

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Phoebe and Luke Basko are grieving the loss of their two-year-old son, Tommy, snatched from a neighborhood playground. Six months go by with no discernable progress in the investigation. Suddenly the Basko's begin receiving notes that seem to refer to their son. The police don't believe the notes are from the person who took Tommy, and Phoebe is left to unravel the mystery, the whereabouts of her son, and whether or not he is dead or alive.

This story had so many twists and turns, it nearly left my head spinning. Each of the characters had secrets they preferred to keep hidden. And the trauma and grief in the aftermath of a child abduction was well portrayed. Looking forward to more from this author.

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