Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Review: Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff

Title: Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
Author: Michael Wolff
Publisher: Little, Brown
Publication Date: January 5, 2018
Edition: Kindle (336 pages)
  • Nonfiction
  • American Presidents
  • History
  • Politics
  • United States History

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White HouseFire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Michael Wolff, investigative reporter and journalist, chronicles the first nine months of the Donald J. Trump presidency, in detail--the good, the bad and the ugly.

It is difficult to write a completely objective review of this work, due to my own political beliefs. However, I would characterize the author's efforts as fair-minded, and my take on the representations in this book is an honest effort to portray the events accurately, based on sources from inside and outside the White House, Administration personnel and Donald J. Trump's acquaintances and friends. I also very much appreciated the historical context the author provided concerning the personalities behind the events. And though I had already formed definite opinions about President Trump and his presidency, I found this book offered me even greater perspective.

I'm glad I took the time to read it, and I believe it has historical value that goes well beyond many so-called "tell all" books.

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