Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Review: Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts

Title: Shelter in Place
Author: Nora Roberts
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publication Date: May 29, 2018
Edition: Kindle Edition (439 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Contemporary Romance
  • Romantic Suspense

My Rating: Five of five stars

Three high school best friends went to the Mall together to see a movie. Then the unthinkable happened. Three shooters showed up and the killing began. Though the event lasted eight minutes, lives were changed in an instant. And years later, someone is not done killing yet, and it is up to three people who were at the Mall that night to figure out who the murderer is and stop the killing.

Though the subject matter is difficult, SHELTER IN PLACE is primarily about the overcoming of tragedy, finding of purpose and a great love story. As usual, Nora Roberts works her magic and blends feeling, pain, magic and romance together in an unforgettable tale that had me going for the tissue box throughout. This book is a keeper for me, and I'd love it if these characters lived on in their own Series.

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