Thursday, September 27, 2018

Review:Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever by Rick Wilson

Title: Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever by Rick Wilson
Author: Rick Wilson
Publisher: Free Press
Publication Date:August 7, 2018
Edition: ebook (336 pages)
  • Nonfiction
  • Politics
My Rating: 3 of 3 stars

Rick Wilson has been a part of GOP political campaigns, consulting and strategist for decades. He has written for a variety of mainstream publications and is the founder of the Never Trump movement. In this book, he speaks bluntly about Donald Trump and the damage Trump has done and is continuing to do to the country, foremost, and the Republican party and the conservative movement, in particular. This book is more than finger pointing. The analysis is well reasoned and the perspective offered is clear.

To digress a moment: I expect those of you who know me and/or those of you who regularly read these reviews are wondering why a life-long progressive Democrat like me would choose to read this book, written by a conservative Republican? I wish I could tell you that my first reason was because I wanted to learn something about the conservative political landscape in order to be better informed and to better understand. That is actually the second reason. But the first is; the title got my attention, so I decided to read it. And, I have to say I was not disappointed. I found myself feeling a kinship, in many ways, with Mr. Wilson's point of view. This book made me realize that without the pomposity of Donald Trump and his like-minded supporters, most Americans have more in common with one another than we have differences, despite our political views. I found Mr. Wilson's description of events and his characterization of Donald Trump very similar to my own, and his concerns for the country and world also much in line with my own. And, surprisingly, I found his offered "where we go from here" approach also to be much like my own.

No matter your political perspective, I think this book has something to offer you. It's informative, interesting and insightful. I also think it's a book that builds up rather than tears down. And, because it's written from the perspective of a political insider, it offers a de mention one cannot glean from newspaper articles, online web sites, radio talk shows and television. I also appreciated the author's confrontational and truth-telling approach to Fox News and it's various ... commentators and well as his unwavering support for the necessity of the free press, the Constitution and the rule of law.

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