Thursday, January 10, 2019

Review: Sins of the Fathers by James Scott Bell

Title: Sins of the Fathers
Author: James Scott Bell
Publisher: Zondervan
Publication Date: May 1, 2009 (first published April 1st 2005)
Edition: ebook
  • Fiction
  • Christian Fiction
  • Thriller
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lindy Field has been asked to defend a thirteen-year-old boy accused of murdering several people at a baseball game. The killings are captured on video tape and there are witnesses. Something doesn't seem right to her, however. She is just beginning to put her life back together after losing a case that was very important to her. As she takes on this new case, her life begins to unravel.

This is a great story. Well written, fast-paced, complex characters, believable and insightful concerning the treatment of juvenal offenders. Some books just touch an inner place in you, and this is one of those for me. I will be reading more of Mr. Bell's books, and so appreciate his sensitivity for the subject matter.

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