Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Review: Alice's Island: A Novel by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo

Title: Alice's Island: A Novel
Author: Daniel Sánchez Arévalo
Publisher: Atria Books
Publication Date: April 16, 2019
Edition: ebook (400 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Thriller
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Alice lived a perfect life. She had a successful husband, a little girl, and another little one on the way. But that all changed with one phone call. She soon realizes that she didn't know as much about her husband as she thought, even though they'd grown up together. And, as it turned out, he wasn't where he was supposed to be when she received that phone call. She becomes obsessed with trying to fit the pieces of this puzzle together.

I have to admit to almost giving up on this book because of Alice's actions. They disturbed me. But, in the end, I'm glad I continued reading. This is really a beautiful story of love and exploration. But the pieces of this puzzle do not come together until late in the book. To say more would spoil it, and reveal too much.

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