Sunday, June 9, 2019

Review: Sweet and Deadly by Charlaine Harris

Title: Sweet and Deadly
Author: Charlaine Harris
Publisher: Berkley Books
Publication Date: March 1, 2007
Edition: ebook (304 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Crime Fiction
  • Mystery
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Catherine Linton, news reporter, returns home to LowField, Mississippi, following the death of her parents. She believes her parents were murdered. Months go by with no progress on the case. But, suddenly, within the space of a few days, two more people are murdered, and Catherine discovers the victims. She is left to put the pieces together to solve the crime, though she is under a cloud of suspicion, herself.

This is the first Charlaine Harris book I have read. I enjoyed it very much. It held my attention, from beginning to end, and the writing style and characters made me keep on reading. I read this book almost straight through.

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