Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Review: Rise to Rebellion: A Novel of the American Revolution by Jeff Shaara

Title: Rise to Rebellion: A Novel of the American Revolution
Author: Jeff Shaara
Publisher: Ballantine
Publication Date: July 3, 2001
Edition: Hardcover (512 pages)
  • Fiction
  • American Revolution
  • Historical Fiction
Series: (American Revolutionary War [1770-1783] #1)
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jeff Shaara profiles the lives of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Dickinson, along with other personages--Thomas
Gage, George Washington and others, at the time of the Revolutionary War, America's war for independence.

The events are real, based on the author's research of archived documents, letters and diaries. What qualified this book as historical fiction, is the author's sometimes use of dialog to weave the story together into a spellbinding account of how these events came together. This book is so much more than just reading about events and people from the history books. Jeff Shaara brings them to life, in a very real way, that gives the reader a chance to experience them and that time in our history.

I highly recommend this book to everyone--students of history or not. It's a great read.

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