Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Review: The Alderson Story: My Life as a Political Prisoner by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Title: The Alderson Story: My Life as a Political Prisoner
Author: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Publisher: International Publishers Company, Incorporated

Alderson Story: My Life As a Political Prisoner (McCarthy Era)Alderson Story: My Life As a Political Prisoner by Elizabeth G. Flynn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Alderson Story: My Life as a Political Prisoner by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was an excellent read. It recounts the author's time spent at Alderson, a Federal Women's prison, in the 1950s. As an outspoken member of the Communist Party in the United States, Ms. Gurley Flynn spent nearly two and one half years at the Alderson facility.

As I read this book, I could clearly picture her surroundings from her vivid descriptions, and I wonder just how much things have changed throughout the decades since her time there. What the author experienced was degrading and dehumanizing, in my opinion, far beyond her so-called crime of differing political beliefs than those in the main stream.

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