Sunday, January 10, 2016

Review: Loving Eleanor by Susan Wittig Albert

Title: Loving Eleanor
Author: Susan Wittig Albert
Publisher: Persevero Press
Publication Date: February 1, 2016

Loving EleanorLoving Eleanor by Susan Wittig Albert

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I so enjoyed Loving Eleanor by Susan Wittig Albert. As a long time admirer of Elanor Roosevelt, I wanted to read this book from the time I learned of its upcoming publication. Though this book is categorized as fiction, it explores the relationship between Mrs. Roosevelt and her dear friend, Lorena Hickok, the reporter assigned to cover her for the Associated Press. Their relationship is documented by over 3,300 letters the two exchanged over many years.

I found this book fascinating. Not only was it rich in history, but it explores the depth of personality of each woman. Each was very accomplished, but each had much to over come from their childhoods. And each grew and changed as they traveled through life. They each brought their own perspective to the idea of helping to make a better world, and in that effort, they encouraged one another.

I also found this book fascinating because it explores love between two women--a deep abiding love that lasted until each died. Their story was told in an informative and tasteful manner, and it showed me just how courageous these two women actually were. The character development and detail in this book is extraordinary, as was the relationship the two women shared.

I received and advanced reader's copy (ARC) of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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