Sunday, May 15, 2016

Review: Angels Fall by Nora Roberts

Title: Angels Fall
Author: Nora Roberts
Publisher: Putnam
Publication Date: July 11, 2006
Edition: Hardcover (391 pages)

Angels FallAngels Fall by Nora Roberts

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reece Gilmore is a woman familiar with loss and tragedy which she has spent the better part of two years trying to recover from. When her car has mechanical problems, she pulls off the road at Angel's Fist, Wyoming, and decides to stay a while. While hiking a mountain trail, she witnesses a murder, but getting people to believe her story is almost impossible. And then, strange things begin to happen. Things are moved around in her apartment, little things at first, followed by more and more bizarre incidents.

This is a reread for me. I love this book. It has everything I enjoy, romantic interests, mystery, suspense, complex relationships and characters, and wonderful scenic description. I will be revisiting Angels Falls from time-to-time when I need an emotional recharge.

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