Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Review: The Obsession by Nora Roberts

Title: The Obsession
Author: Nora Roberts
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Publication Date: April 12, 2016
Edition: eBook

The ObsessionThe Obsession by Nora Roberts

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I can't say that I ever just read a Nora Roberts book. It is more like I experience it--the description, the characters and their personalities, the storyline, everything about the book is like unwrapping a new and exciting package that keeps me wondering what the content will be this time. 'The Obsession' is another of those gloriously wrapped packages as only Nora Roberts can deliver.

As a young girl, Naomi Bowes experienced a trauma no one should have to live through or live with. She is trying to make a life for herself in a small community and plant roots there. She's changed her name so no one will know about her childhood--and then one woman is found, dead--and then another woman, also. Is it coincidence or not? Does it have anything to do with her, her past?

I didn't know if another Nora Roberts book could come close to 'Angels Fall' in my favorites category, but 'The Obsession' is another masterpiece on that same plain. She has a talent for writing a story that I can't wait to finish, yet I want to prolong staying with the characters and being a part of their lives for as long as possible.

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