Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Review: Deadly Hunt (Strong Women, Extraordinary Situations #1) by Margaret Daley

Title: Deadly Hunt (Strong Women, Extraordinary Situations #1)
Author: Margaret Daley
Publisher: Amazon Kindle
Publication date: March 28, 2014
Edition: Kindle (84 pages)

Deadly Hunt (Strong Women, Extraordinary Situations #1)Deadly Hunt by Margaret Daley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tess Miller is on vacation, at her uncle's isolated cabin, seeking a respite from her stressful and challenging job as a bodyguard, when a handsome stranger stumbles into her arms and into her life. They feel an immediate bond, though Tess would prefer not to. Can she believe what he tells her? Is someone trying to kill him? And, why?

More great romantic suspense from Margaret Daley, one of my favorite authors, the first in a Series called Strong Women, Extraordinary Situations.

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