Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Review: Seven Tears for Apollo by Phyllis A. Whitney

Title: Seven Tears for Apollo
Author: Phyllis A. Whitney
Publisher: Ulverscroft
Publication Date: December 1, 1979
Edition: Hardcover, large print (448 pages)

Seven Tears for ApolloSeven Tears for Apollo by Phyllis A. Whitney

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dorcas Brandt is attempting to recover from tragedy she has experienced, part of which landed her in a nursing home, for a time, because her husband convinced everyone of her mental instability. All she wants is to get her life back on track and take care of her four-year-old daughter. After some unnerving events, following her husband's death, she travels to Greece, but these occurrences also follow her, and it is up to her to decide whether to give in to self-doubt or solve the mystery of these events and move forward with her life.

I read this book as a young girl, and wanted to revisit it. Very much worth the reread. Phyllis A. Whitney will always remain a favorite of mine.

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