Friday, September 9, 2016

Review: Bishop Street by Rene D. Schultz

Title: Bishop Street
Author: Rene D. Schultz
Publisher: Kindle
Publication Date: July 28, 2013
Edition: Kindle (333 pages)
Genre: fiction

Bishop StreetBishop Street by Rene D. Schultz

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Four children were abandon at the Bishop Street orphanage. A safe and secure place to grow up? Hardly! And yet, they did grow up. Successful lives? You be the judge, after reading this intense and emotionally captivating book.

As you who read my reviews know by now, the richer and more fully developed the characters are, the more I enjoy them. And Ms. Schultz captures these characters in all of their anguish, emotional termoil, happiness and ultimately their journey as they strive to make a life, find one another again and thrive. I went through several tissues as I read this book, but I enjoyed every word.

I received a reader's copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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