Thursday, September 22, 2016

Review: Inside the Clinton White House by Russell L. Riley

Title: Inside the Clinton White House: An Oral History
Author: Russell L. Riley
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Publication Date: September 29, 2016
Edition: Hardcover (464 pages)

Inside the Clinton White House: An Oral HistoryInside the Clinton White House: An Oral History by Russell L. Riley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Russell L. Riley has put together, from oral interviews of those who were a part of the William J. Clinton campaigns and presidency, one of the most interesting and informative books I have read. One can read news accounts and books, both biographical and autobiographical, and not get some of the nuances accorded a reader who is allowed to read accounts of what happened by the people who were a part of the events--who witnessed them--and, in many cases, helped to shape them.

I found the book fascinating because it reaffirmed many of my thoughts about President Clinton as a brilliant man--one who has been much maligned, and much under appreciated in his accomplishments. I also found the candid description of some of the negative aspects of his personality interesting because no one, no President or leader is perfect, and to expect such perfection is both unrealistic and unwise.

Russell L. Riley has done a most admirable job of organizing this material into an informative and very readable account--one which allowed personalities to emerge and shine. And I learned some things that I was totally unaware of with respect to the strides made by the Clinton Administration in education and other domestic policies. All-in-all, I found the book to be fair and balanced in its characterization of the man and his legacy.

I received an advance reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.

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