Friday, December 9, 2016

Review: The Hostage's Daughter: A Story of Family, Madness, and the Middle East by Sulome Anderson

Title: The Hostage's Daughter: A Story of Family, Madness, and the Middle East
Author: Sulome Anderson
Publisher: Dey Street Books
Publication Date: October 4, 2016
Edition: ebook (288 pages)
Category: nonfiction

The Hostage's Daughter: A Story of Family, Madness, and the Middle EastThe Hostage's Daughter: A Story of Family, Madness, and the Middle East by Sulome Anderson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Terry Anderson was taken hostage in Lebanon before his daughter, Sulome Anderson, was born. She was a seven-year-old little girl before she met him, when he was released by his captors, in 1991. The Hostage's Daughter tells the story of her childhood, her reunion with her father, her search to learn who kidnapped him and why, and finally of her making peace with him and herself. This book also gives the reader a better understanding of the conflicts and the complex political climate in the Middle East.

The honesty in this book brought me to tears many times. It is a story of real courage in so many ways. A great read.

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