Monday, December 12, 2016

Review: Split Second (Sean King and Michelle Maxwell #1) by David Baldacci

Title: Split Second (Sean King and Michelle Maxwell #1)
Author: David Baldacci
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publication Date: May 1, 2007
Edition: ebook
Category: nonfiction

Split Second (Sean King & Michelle Maxwell, #1)Split Second by David Baldacci

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Michelle Maxwell and Sean King have the Secret Service in common. Each has distinguished themselves through scandal, and yet they team up to solve a mystery that brings them and their relationship with the Secret Service together in a complex set of circumstances.

David Baldacci has woven together a great mystery filled with suspense. Each time I thought I had some of the puzzle pieces figured out, I'd be back to square one again. I wanted to keep reading and figure it all out. I will definitely be reading the other books in the Series.

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