Monday, January 2, 2017

Review: Love So Deep by Kathleen Ball

Title: Love So Deep
Author: Kathleen Ball
Publisher: Forever Home
Publication Date: November 16, 2015
Edition: Kindle (155 pages)
Categories: Literature and Fiction, Historical Romance, and Western Romance.

Love So DeepLove So Deep by Kathleen Ball

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Patrick McCrery lives in the mountains of Colorado by choice. He makes his living as a fur trapper and enjoys his solitude--that is until he comes upon Samantha Foley who has been banished from a wagon train and is wandering in the wilderness without shelter. Not long after rescuing her, Patrick comes upon a small boy, and, suddenly, the three are together in his cabin for the winter. There is every reason they should not build a life together, yet they fall in love.

This was a great story with some interesting twists and turns and a reflection of prejudices that still haunt us today, unfortunately.

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