Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Review: One Year After (After, #2) by William R. Forstchen

Title: One Year After (After, #2)
Author: William R. Forstchen
Publisher: Forge Books
Publication Date: September 15, 2015
Edition: Kindle (303 pages)
Categories: Literature and Fiction, Apocalyptic, Post Apocalyptic, and Science Fiction.

One Year AfterOne Year After by William R. Forstchen

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

ONE YEAR AFTER is the sequel to ONE SECOND AFTER and continues where ONE SECOND AFTER ended. After struggling to rebuild the town of Black Mountain, North Carolina after an EMP strike devastates most of America, John Matherson, the community leader there, is once again faced with a battle for his town, and for his very life, by forces who are out of control.

I didn't think a sequel could be anymore exciting than the first book, but I was wrong. ONE YEAR AFTER is even more thrilling, if that is possible. Once I began reading, I continued, nearly nonstop, until I finished this book. It is truly terrifying to know the events portrayed here are entirely possible. And I am even more certain of this after the election of 2016.

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