Saturday, May 5, 2018

Review: Tracker (Sigma Force, #7.5) by James Rollins

Title: Tracker (Sigma Force, #7.5
Author: James Rollins
Publisher: William-Morrow
Publication Date: June 5, 2012
Edition:ebook (67 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Short Story
  • Adventure
  • Military
  • Thriller

Tracker (Sigma Force, #7.5)Tracker by James Rollins

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Retired Captain Tucker Wayne and his partner, war god, Kane, rescue a young woman from danger, and find themselves in danger along with her. The secret they unravel goes back to World War II and stolen treasure.

Though this short story is only 67 pages long, it is intense, and reaches out to the reader. It also leads the reader into more to come, as you will see for yourself.

I first read this story a few years ago and couldn't recall its title or author. It has always stayed in the back of my mind, and I am so pleased to have discovered it again.

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