Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Review: Two By Two by Nicholas Sparks

Title: Two By Two
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Publisher: Hachette
Publication Date: October 4, 2016
Edition: ebook (497 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Romance

Two By TwoTwo By Two by Nicholas Sparks

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Most people would say that Russell and Vivian Green were the perfect couple. They both had good-paying jobs, a nice home and a nice life. And Russ expected that to continue after the birth of their daughter. And, it did, for a time--or so he thought. But, suddenly things began falling apart, and he began playing the role of single parent. He didn't feel equipped to do this. And then there was the loss of his job and income, and he wasn't prepared for that either. Would he rise to the occasion? And how?

As usual, this was a great book. However, I didn't necessarily feel that way in the beginning. At first, I had such a problem relating to Russ because he seemed so emotionally disconnected and above all the day-to-day life choices and struggles we all experience. But then, I began to realize he was growing, and he wasn't the entire problem. I wanted to shake Vivian more times than I can count. Still, I'm so glad I stuck with this one all the way to the end. It was worth every frustration I lived through with the characters. And it was worth all the tears too. Very intense and sad, at times, but also very rewarding and beautiful.

This book requires time and patience on the reader's part. It isn't fast moving or one of those stories that wows you from the get go. But, in the end, that doesn't seem to detract at all from the outcome--which is a beautiful story of unconditional love and a willingness to be there no matter what. I'm glad I read it.

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