Thursday, July 26, 2018

Review: Changing Our Mind: Definitive 3rd Edition of the Landmark Call for Inclusion of LGBTQ Christians with Response to Critics by David P. Gushee

Title: Changing Our Mind: Definitive 3rd Edition of the Landmark Call for Inclusion of LGBTQ Christians with Response to Critics
Author: David P. Gushee
Publisher: Read the Spirit Books
Publication Date: May 30, 2017
Edition: Kindle (248 pages)
  • Nonfiction
  • Religion
  • Spirituality
  • Sexuality
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars

David P. Gushee is a well known and well respected educator in the field of Christian ethics. He is the author of several books, that span more than two decades. This book is a compilation that chronicles his change of mind about the matter of full inclusion of persons who are LGBTQ in the Church as members and also as leaders.

My purpose here is not to summarize his conclusions. I highly recommend you prayerfully read this book and see if it doesn't broaden your faith journey. From my earliest childhood, long before I accepted Jesus as my savior and the Lord of my life, I believed God loves all people who seek after him. When I came to know the Lord, after reading through the Bible--Old and New Testaments--I approached the Scriptures, in totality, as a mirror of what Jesus said, what he did, and how he lived. On a much higher theological level, this is how I see the author's view. He presents the inclusion of LGBTQ people in the Church from a theological and Scriptural perspective far beyond my ability to write.

The book is informative, written in plain language, and with an eye toward bringing Christians with different points of view together in a way to promote understanding and acceptance, in an effort to begin to heal the hurt experienced by many people who are LGBTQ.

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