Sunday, July 29, 2018

Review: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

Title: Never Let Me Go
Author: Kazuo Ishiguro
Publisher: Vintage Books
Publication Date: August 31, 2010 (first published March 2005)
Edition: Paperback (288 pages)
  • Fiction
  • Dystopia
  • Science Fiction
Literary Awards:
  • James Tait Black Memorial Prize Nominee for Fiction (2005)
  • Man Booker Prize Nominee (2005)
  • National Book Critics Circle Award Nominee for Fiction (2005)
  • ALA Alex Award (2006)
  • Arthur C. Clarke Award Nominee (2006)
  • Corine Internationaler Buchpreis for Belletristik (2006)
  • International DUBLIN Literary Award Nominee (2007)
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars

"Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro is a first of a kind read for me. It takes place in modern times in the United Kingdom. It is a first person narrative of Kathy H., a student at what one might describe as a normal boarding school called Hailsham. The scenery is beautiful. The students take classes in art, literature, and other subjects. They play sports. But, from the first there is something rather striking about these students. They never leave the school for vacations, and never mention brothers, sisters, parents or family. They are always together. Yet, they aren't particularly bothered by it. They also rarely see people from the outside. There are no visiting days. The why of these things is a mystery which is subtly revealed to the reader. To say more would reveal too much.

Suffice it to say, this book is a mystery which touches on science, morality, truth and lies. It raises questions about a population marginalized, and those who have power to control nearly every aspect of life and death.

In some ways, I found this book disturbing, yet compelling in the extreme. It forced me to think about the reality of modern times and the host of complicated issues advancement brings. This book is also a love story with beginnings and endings. I found it fascinating, and I will likely revisit it again from time-to-time. I have been changed by it, and I expect everyone who reads it will not fail to escape being changed also.

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