Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Review: Avenue of Spies: A True Story of Terror, Espionage, and One American Family's Heroic Resistance in Nazi-Occupied Paris by Alex Kershaw

Title: Avenue of Spies: A True Story of Terror, Espionage, and One American Family's Heroic Resistance in Nazi-Occupied Paris
Author: Alex Kershaw
Publisher: Broadway Books
Publication Date: August 4, 2015
Edition: ebook (320 pages)
  • Nonfiction
  • France
  • History
  • World War II
My Rating: 3 of 5 stars

Doctor Summer Jackson is an American doctor at the American Hospital in Nazi occupied Paris during World War II. He is married to a French woman, and together they have a twelve-year-old son. Appalled at the Nazi treachery and occupation, they decide to work for the French resistance. It is dangerous, life threatening work--compounded by not knowing who is a true resister and who is, in reality, a Nazi collaborator and informer. Philip, their son, knows something is going on and wants to help where and how he can. He too is doing his part, but keeping his actions quiet so his parents will not worry even more about his safety or find out.

This true story is full of intrigue and the life and death of war and Nazi atrocities. It is heartbreaking and thrilling at the same time.

I recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in WWII, an interest in history, or who just wants to read a good story that will have you on the edge of your seat.

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