Thursday, November 1, 2018

Review: The Bermuda Triangle: An Incredible Saga of Unexplained Disappearances by Charles Frambach Berlitz

Title: The Bermuda Triangle: An Incredible Saga of Unexplained Disappearances
Author: Charles Frambach Berlitz
Publisher: Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Publication Date: 1974 (first published 1973)
Edition: Hardcover, First Edition (203 pages)
  • Nonfiction
  • History
  • Science

My Rating: 3 of 5 stars

The author describes and discusses an area known as the Bermuda triangle, an area of the Atlantic ocean located between Florida and Bermuda. Since 1945, over 1,000 people and numerous planes and ships have vanished, many without a trace.

There are many theories in circulation about the Bermuda triangle. Some think it is mere coincidence that people, planes and ships have disappeared in this area. Others think it has to do with the magnetic pull of the earth's gravitation. Yet others think it is an area of UFO activity. This book, though written over four decades ago, provides a well-written historical perspective as well as an account of many of the incidents that occurred in this area up to 1973.

The other thing I found so interesting about this book is the discussion concerning the actions of mankind and the possible ramifications for our future beyond the 1970s. It makes for interesting reading, since many thing discussed in this book are now coming to pass. If you have an interest in the subject, I highly recommend this book.

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