Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Review: Angel Landing

Angel Landing Angel Landing by Alice Hoffman
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Angel Landing by Alice Hoffman is one of those books that leaves me shaking my head and wondering what the point was. Every time I thought I had the characters figured out, at least to some extent, I found I really had no clue, and maybe that, more than anything was the point. Natalie Lansky, a therapist, allows herself to become involved with her Client, Michael Finn, who admits he tried to blow up a power plant. And then there is Carter Sugarland, Natalie's boyfriend--and I use that term loosely--who is an environmental activist. And we can't forget about Aunt Minnie who has her own brand of eccentricities.

This book left me feeling aimless and surrounded by strange people. Maybe after some reflection, I can appreciate these characters more for who they are.

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