Monday, December 16, 2019

Review: The Kennedy Debutante

The Kennedy Debutante The Kennedy Debutante by Kerri Maher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I found THE KENNEDY DEBUTANTE by Kerri Maher to be utterly absorbing. Kathleen Kennedy has always interested me because of her independent spirit and how much she had to sacrifice for happiness. I've read a few nonfiction books about her life, but none have captivated me as much as this historical fiction account by Kerri Maher. It seems to me that she has captured the essence of Kathleen Kennedy, the person, in this book.

A word of warning to the reader: Have your tissue box handy. You will need it. But isn't that what makes a great read? When a book evokes a strong emotional response, I consider that a transforming experience. A gift from the author to me. And, I thank you, Kerri Maher, for such a wonderful gift. One I will revisit again, as I do with many of my favorite books.

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