Monday, April 27, 2020

My review: Barack and Joe: The Making of an Extraordinary Partnership by Steven Levingston

Barack and Joe: The Making of an Extraordinary PartnershipBarack and Joe: The Making of an Extraordinary Partnership by Steven Levingston

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Some books are just worth staying up all night to read. Barack and Joe: The Making of an Extraordinary Partnership by Steven Levingston is one of those. It is the story of two very different men from different backgrounds coming together as President and Vice President of the United States to serve as a team for eight years in office. Two men who, at first seemed to have little in common other than their membership in the United States Senate, but who became "brothers" in every way that matters. This book is not about the politics of that relationship, but how it came to be. Steven Levingston brings to life the character of these men. Who they are and what they believe. It's an excellent read, especially if you need a reminder of what character and public service are all about.

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