Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My review: A View Across the Rooftops by Suzanne Kelman

A View Across the RooftopsA View Across the Rooftops by Suzanne Kelman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Josef is a college mathematics professor living a comfortable life in Amsterdam during the Nazi occupation of WWII. He tries not to think about what is happening around him until one of his students, Michael, appears at his house, clearly in danger, because he is Jewish. Josef makes a decision to hide Michael in his attic.

Though this book is historical fiction, it captures the mood of the times, and, along with other characters in the story, lets the reader see and experience the emotion and terror, and what many did to survive. The potential for betrayal is lurking everywhere, and Josef has to navigate the turmoil in order to keep Michael safe. Josef is also a captive. His heart is closed to love until Michael shows him, through their friendship, what love is. This book, I'm sure, will become a favorite of mine.

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