Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Review: Midnight Voices by John Saul

Title: Midnight Voices
Author: John Saul
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Publication Date: March 4, 2003

Midnight VoicesMidnight Voices by John Saul

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Caroline and her children experience a terrible tragedy, and just when they think their lives are changing for the better, they find their very survival at risk. What is happening? Is it real? What to do about it? All of these questions need answers.

This book is one that will keep you awake at night, and is not a read for those who prefer a traditional tale of romance with a little danger mixed in for excitement. This read is similar to Stephen King and more.

Midnight Voices by John Saul is one of those books I wasn't sure why I was reading it, yet, I couldn't stop once I began. A friend of mine read it, so I decided to give it a try. Horror is not a genre I read frequently. However, I do think I will read more of Mr. Saul's books in the future.

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