Saturday, November 28, 2015

Review: Operation White Christmas by Nicki Edwards

Title:Operation White Christmas
Author: Nicki Edwards
Publisher: Momentum Books
Publication Date: December 17, 2015

Operation White Christmas: An Escape to the Country NovellaOperation White Christmas: An Escape to the Country Novella by Nicki Edwards

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Christmas and romance seem to go very well together, and so it is with Operation White Christmas by Nicki Edwards. Holly is a young woman with a broken heart and a broken engagement, neither of which were a part of her plans for Christmas. Unable to obtain a refund for the purchase of her airline tickets, she decides to fly to what should have been her honeymoon destination, alone. And, thus begins operation White Christmas. Will it be a sad Christmas for her or will something magical happen?

This is a delightful novella filled with the bitter and sweet of life's circumstances, believable characters, and the promise of possibility. Rescue, a chance encounter and descriptions of beautiful scenery blend together to lift the reader's spirits.

I received and Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of this digital book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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