Sunday, November 15, 2015

Review: What the Heart Remembers (Memory House Collection #3) by Bette Lee Crosby

Title: What the Heart Remembers (Memory House Collection #3)
Author: Bette Lee Crosby
Publisher: Bent Pine Publishing
Publication Date: November 17, 2015

What the Heart Remembers (Memory House #3)What the Heart Remembers by Bette Lee Crosby

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Max Martinelli is stuck. Her professional life is an architect is slowly moving forward, though not at a pace she would prefer, but her personal life has been in limbo for the past three years, ever since she returned from Paris, where she fell in love with Julien, and thought he would follow her to the United States when she returned home from her junior year of college. They have had no contact, so she decides to return to Paris to find him.

Will Max find things as they were, three years ago, or will Paris seems like a different place altogether? Things are not always what you remember them to be. This book explores what the heart remembers and the reality of life as they come together, taking various twists and turns along the way. As in real life, What the Heart Remembers has some surprises for the reader as Max's adventures unfold, as do some adventures for her concerned friends at home.

I received and Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of this digital book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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