Monday, December 21, 2015

Review: Christmas in Vermont: A Very White Christmas by Bryan Mooney

Title: Christmas in Vermont: A Very White Christmas
Author: Bryan Mooney
Edition: Kindle
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
Publication Date: May 19, 2014

Christmas in Vermont: A Very White ChristmasChristmas in Vermont: A Very White Christmas by Bryan Mooney

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Christmas in Vermont: A Very White Christmas by Bryan Mooney is a delightful story about how one life altering event can have profound consequences in one's life thereafter. Set in picturesque Vermont, it brings to life a white Christmas with community and family traditions.

Jack Reynolds returns to his home town of Woodstock, Vermont to celebrate Christmas with his family. He is about to begin a new job and to become engaged. Yet, he is not happy. And he can't stop thinking of the woman he met years ago when they were both trapped under a collapsed building in Iraq.

Hope Caldwell is also spending Christmas in Woodstock. She has accepted a temporary position as a substitute teacher there. She has been searching for the man who saved her life. She doesn't know his name, but she knows he is from Woodstock, Vermont, and she fell in love with the town from his description of it. Neither knows the other is close by. Will they meet one another again? Will they find a way to move forward with their lives? This story is about their journey, and the lives of other Woodstock residents as well.

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