Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Review: Day After Disaster (Changing Earth) by Sara F. Hathaway

Title: Day After Disaster (Changing Earth)
Author: Sara F. Hathaway
Publisher: Tate Publishing
Publication Date: June 3rd 2014

Day After Disaster (The Changing Earth, #1)Day After Disaster by Sara F. Hathaway

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Day After Disaster (Changing Earth) by Sara F. Hathaway is one of those books that requires you to come face-to-face with some very unthinkable 'what ifs'. What if your life and the very earth changed so that it was no longer recognizable as you knew it? How would you react? How would you survive? These are the issues Erika must confront as she finds herself thrust from a normal work-day into having to fight to survive after major earth quakes change the life she knew.

As I read this book, I thought about my life and dependence on technology and grocery store for my food. Nearly everything I consume and use is made for me by someone else, somewhere else. And, all it would take to change that is a major natural or man-made disaster. Am I prepared? Definitely not. In the beginning chapters, my reaction was one of disbelief. Could this really happen? If it did, would it be as catastrophic as the author describes? But the more I read, the more I began to see that it could be possible.

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