Saturday, February 27, 2016

Review: Baby Girl (Memory House Series Book Four) by Bette Lee Crosby

Title: Baby Girl (Memory House Series Book Four)
Author: Bette Lee Crosby
Publisher: Bent Pine Publishing
Publication Date: March 1, 2016
Edition: eBook

Baby Girl (Memory House Collection, #4)Baby Girl by Bette Lee Crosby

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cheryl Ann Ferguson believes she has found her happily ever after when she leaves behind her hard-edged and emotionally distant mother to move in with her boyfriend after her high school graduation. She believes they share the same dreams. But, suddenly, she is forced to make a choice between those dreams and her baby. Her life is for ever changed by the consequences of her decision.

I had a tissue in my hand as I read this book, and I used it, often, as I shared Cheryl Ann's journey. I especially enjoyed this book because it chronicles very real emotions and issues. And it portrays life with its spectrum of joys and sorrows. This book is also about gratitude. Cheryl Ann experienced many hardships, but she did her best to learn from them and move forward. This story also caused me to be grateful, once again, for the wonderful parents I have been blessed with, and the unconditional love they gave me.

I have now read two books in this Series, and am looking forward to reading them all. I received an advance copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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