Sunday, February 21, 2016

Review: Directed Verdict by Randy Singer

Title: Directed Verdict
Author: Randy Singer
Publisher: Waterbrook Press
Publication Date: October 15, 2002
Edition: Paperback (485 pages)

Directed VerdictDirected Verdict by Randy Singer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A husband and wife missionary team living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia are targeted for establishing a Christian church in the kingdom which is against government rules. When the unimaginable happens, and the husband is murdered, the wife returns to the United States with her children to try and make a new life. She meets attorney Brad Carson and asks him to assist her with obtaining the money from her husband's life insurance policy. Thus begins an audacious legal journey that stretches the imagination and has so many twists and turns, it left my head spinning trying to figure out what the outcome could possibly be.

Not only does author, Randy Singer, provide the reader with a legal thriller which is filled with new and unfolding plot lines with every page; he also explores the risk of persecution that missionaries and those who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior face each and every day in some foreign countries. For those Christians who believe they are being persecuted in the United States, this book may well make you rethink that, and be ever grateful for the liberty we have here to worship, no matter our religious views.

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