Saturday, February 13, 2016

Review: Girl in the Dark by Anna Lyndsey

Title: Girl in the Dark
Author: Anna Lyndsey
Publisher: Doubleday
Publication Date: March 3, 2015
Edition: Hardcover (254 pages)

Girl in the DarkGirl in the Dark by Anna Lyndsey

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Anna Lyndsey was a civil servant with a good job, a new apartment, and a steady boyfriend. One day, out of nowhere, she began developing sensitivities. First, her face burned when she was at her work computer. Next, she could not be around fluorescent light, and finally she could not handle being exposed to sun light. The burning sensation on her skin eventually involved her entire body to the point that she had to live in a completely darkened room for extended periods of time. It was then that she began writing her story.

Anna faced adversity head on, determined to learn as much as possible about the causes and her limited treatment options. She did not give up. And though she tells her story in a matter-or-fact way, she does so with humor, creativity and a get-on-with-life attitude while, at the same time, sharing the struggles and agony she has endured.

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