Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Review: He Killed Them All: Robert Durst and My Quest For Justice by Jeanine Pirro

Title: He Killed Them All: Robert Durst and My Quest For Justice
Author: Jeanine Pirro
Publisher: Gallery Books
Publication Date: November 3, 2015
Edition: eBook (336 pages)

He Killed Them All: Robert Durst and My Quest for JusticeHe Killed Them All: Robert Durst and My Quest for Justice by Jeanine Pirro

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In 1982, Kathleen Durst was in her last year of medical school when she disappeared--but her body was never found. Her husband, Robert Durst, didn't report her missing for five days, and the police and the Durst family did not seem particularly concerned; spinning the story that she ran off of her own volition. But her family and friends did not believe this. And the case languished until 1999 when the then District Attorney for Westchester County New York, Jeanine Pirro, began what turned out to be a fifteen year investigation of Kathleen's cold case. A case which took many twists and turns, but ultimately, even the money and power wielded by the Durst family could not stop this most tenacious of prosecutors.

I have been interested in this case for a long time as a result of seeing it profiled on various TV crime shows, so was anxious to read Ms. Pirro's book. And, I was not disappointed. She is a woman of great empathy for the victims of crime and their families, and she did not let wealth and power stand in her way of seeking justice for Kathleen Durst.

This book is also a page turner. It has everything you might expect in a work of crime fiction, except this is not fiction. It is a straight forward account of the Robert Durst investigation, and those who worked tirelessly to bring him to justice and also those who did all they could to thwart it.

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