Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Review: Untraceable (Tracers, #1) by Laura Griffin

Title: Untraceable (Tracers, #1)
Author: Laura Griffin
Publisher: Pocket Star
Publication Date: November 24, 2009
Edition: Paperback (374 pages)

Untraceable (Tracers, #1)Untraceable by Laura Griffin

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alexandra Lovell has her own private investigation firm. She specializes an helping people disappear. When one of her clients seems to have vanished, Alex becomes involved in trying to find her. She in lists the help of Nathan Deveraux, one of Austin PD's finest.

Much mystery and suspense, and I never knew what would happen next. For those who enjoy police procedurals, this is a great read.

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