Saturday, April 16, 2016

Review: Blood Defense (Samantha Brinkman Book 1) by Marcia Clark

Title: Blood Defense (Samantha Brinkman Book 1)
Author: Marcia Clark
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Publication Date: May 1, 2016
Edition: Kindle (400 pages)

Blood Defense (Samantha Brinkman, #1)Blood Defense by Marcia Clark

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Marcia Clark has begun a new Series with Blood Defense. Samantha Brinkman is a defense attorney in Los Angeles. Her practice is limping along, but she wants to represent more paying clients. Smart and persistent, she winds up representing a police officer accused of a double homicide. The case takes many twists and turns, as does her personal life.

The characters in this book certainly held my interest, especially Samantha, herself. There is definitely more to learn about her and her associates in future novels. I found myself often more interested in Samantha's internal conflicts and struggles than in the investigation and legal ins and outs of the double homicide itself.

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