Saturday, April 9, 2016

Review: Daughter of Australia by Harmony Verna

Title: Daughter of Australia
Author: Harmony Verna
Publisher: Kensington Books
Publication Date: March 29, 2016
Edition: Paperback (464 pages)

Daughter of AustraliaDaughter of Australia by Harmony Verna

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book reaffirms why I love to read. Harmony Verna has created a masterpiece in the telling of the story of Leonora and James--their childhoods, their losses, their love and triumph over tragic circumstances. Both were orphaned and met in an orphanage in western Australia. There, they formed an unbreakable bond which endured through great hardship and separation.

This story is also about Australia in the early 1900s. The description of the land and its people is stunning. As I read, I could see the land, the storms come and go. I could feel the heat. The cold. The enduring and dogged determination of the people to eek out a living. This book touched me in so many ways, it is almost indescribable. I do hope that Ms. Verna will go on to write many more novels. This book is most deserving of literary acclaim!

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