Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Review: Titanic, First Accounts by Nicholas Wade and Tim Maltin

Title: Titanic, First Accounts
Author: Nicholas Wade and Tim Maltin
Publisher: Penguin Classic
Publication Date: February 28, 2012
Edition: Kindle (400 pages)

Titanic, First AccountsTitanic, First Accounts by Tim Maltin

For the past few years, I have read a book about the Titanic around the time of the anniversary of its sinking. This year, I chose to read 'Titanic, First Accounts' and was not disappointed. The first hands accounts are breath taking in detail, and because many were penned nearly immediately after the experience, many are quite similar in tone and diction. But, each is also unique, based on the perspective of the writer.

I was struck by the utter tragedy and loss of life, as well as the sacrifice of many to save others. Much unselfish behavior and heroism in these pages. It was also most interesting to read many of the newspaper stories of the day. It made me long for the journalistic style of that time. I am grateful to the authors for compiling these accounts and preserving them.

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