Sunday, April 30, 2017

Review: A Cup Half Full: An Amish Home Novella by Beth Wiseman

Title: A Cup Half Full: An Amish Home Novella
Author: Beth Wiseman
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: February 7, 2017
Edition: Kindle
  • Fiction
  • Christian Fiction
Series: Amish Home

A Cup Half Full: An Amish Home NovellaA Cup Half Full: An Amish Home Novella by Beth Wiseman

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sarah was perfectly happy--a perfect husband and perfect home--until an accident changed her life. Suddenly, she had to get used to using a wheelchair and adapting to life that had changed for her and her husband, Abram. It is not an easy road for Sarah.

This novella is all about acceptance. The interesting thing to me is how, sometimes it is the person who suddenly acquires a disability who has a difficult time accepting the changes, and sometimes, it is the family that has the most difficulty. And, sometimes, both the person and family members feel overwhelmed. Though this story has Sarah as the main character, it is Abram who shines for me. Sarah is the one who has to catch up with Abram's thinking.

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